19 Jun CIFPA's roadmap approved as a Logistics and Transport CRN
Aragon, the State Public Employment Service and the Ministry of Education approve the CIFPA Multiannual Action Plan as a national reference center in logistics.
The Governing Council today authorized the collaboration agreement between the Ministry of Education, the Department of Education and the Public Service for State Employment, which sets out the guidelines that will guide the action of the Centre for Innovation in Vocational Training of Aragon (CIFPA) as a national reference center in logistics and transport management, until 2022. In this way, the regulations are complied with, which marks the need to agree between the administrations involved a multiannual action plan on the basis of the proposal of the Social Council of the Centre.
This plan sets out the functions related to the coordination, programming and implementation of the centre's innovation, training and technological actions, as well as its work plans and subsequent evaluation.
The Social Council of the National Centre for The Reference centre for Logistics and Transport Management held a meeting on 26 April 2019, at which the 2019-2022 Multiannual Action Plan was proposed for the centre, whose headquarters are located in the cIFPA premises , dependent on the Department of Education, Culture and Sport.
The agreement points out, among many other points, the updating of professional certificates in the sector, the creation of an observatory of new trends with the main companies in the area and the periodic review of the training offer.
In addition, it includes the development of teaching resources for both face-to-face and distance training and the identification of new occupations, employment opportunities and skills. This plan also proposes the impetus for the development of innovation and knowledge transfer projects between schools and the business sector.
It also points to the need for joint work with different entities. For example, it establishes collaboration with the State Foundation for Employment Training (Fundae) and the sectoral joint structures of the Professional Business and Marketing family. Also with the Professional Qualifications Agency of Aragon, in the detection of needs for subsequent calls, and with the different competitions of Skill, where THE students of FP compete to demonstrate their skills in each of their sectors. The specific plan that CIFPA will be part of the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAFA) and will establish collaboration agreements with the Zaragoza Logistics Center to detect the needs of Commercial Logistics and Transport Management.
On the other hand, it will promote training actions and participate in working groups of the other reference centres and propose joint innovation projects.
CIFPA offers training for all Vocational Training teachers (more than 2,800 teachers), offers a la carte courses on innovation and dual FP for the centres, provides professional issuing certificates and also takes students to teach what their future will be work, for example, in the automotive sector. At its headquarters is the first learning factory in the country, a replica installation of a real factory in the automotive sector that allows to develop all the training aspects related to the sector: manufacturing, production, logistics, management, communications and processes.
Other rooms in this national reference centre include the automotive simulation room, the automated logistics factory or the logistics warehouses dedicated to the systematic management of goods in the organization and operations that are carried out in a Store.
Learning factory - Polymer forming workshop
Driving simulator room
Logistics factory - FESTO Prolog
Logistics warehouses
LEAN Warehouse
Source: Aragón_Hoy
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