Purpose of CIFPA
With the slogan "Your future, our Impulse" the organization wants to promote, from Vocational Training, talent, innovation and creativity of the main capital of Aragon, which are the people, as one of the lines that makes possible the sustainable growth and welfare of our society.
One of CIFPA's main objectives is to promote technological and methodological innovation processes in the Vocational Training System of the Autonomous Community of Aragon.
The CIFPA, as a member of the educational administration of Aragon, will carry out all the actions of this mission applying the current regulations:
- ORDER ECD/942/2019, of July 25, regulating the organization and operation of the Innovation Center for Vocational Training of Aragon, in which CIFPA acts as an innovation engine of the Vocational Training System and as a specific VET Teacher Training Center within the autonomous scope.
- Royal Decree 39/2019, of February 1, creating as a National Reference Center the Innovation Center for Vocational Training of Aragon, in the professional area Commercial Logistics and Transport Management of the professional family Commerce and Marketing, in the field of vocational training, whereby it is assigned the role of channeling innovation in the sector through the deployment of its competences in training tasks, sector observatory, dialogue between stakeholders, innovation actions and updating of professional qualifications.
CIFPA, through the promotion of innovation in the Vocational Training System, both at regional and national level, wishes to contribute to:
- The qualification of all people, the improvement of their employability and the capacity of companies in Aragon.
- Transforming the economy by driving innovation in digitalization and sustainability.
- Connecting VET with career guidance and employment.
- Innovation in VET through active methodologies.
- Sound and efficient governance in connection with the SDGs.
In order to fulfill its Purpose, Mission and Vision, CIFPA is committed to promote and facilitate the development of processes and continuous improvements, in accordance with the UNE 166002 standard, leading to results that provide real value both for CIFPA itself and for all the stakeholders with which it collaborates.
Other commitments that CIFPA assumes within its R&D&I Management System based on the UNE 166002 standard are:
- The systematization of the necessary R&D&I processes to transform innovative ideas into projects whose results meet the needs of all vocational training stakeholders.
- Training and awareness of all personnel, according to their level of responsibility and activity within the management system, promoting their participation in R&D&I in the organization.
- Monitoring the environment as a means of identifying the needs of companies, students and workers in the field of Vocational Training and promoting the generation of innovative ideas to improve the management of activities related to these needs.
- The stimulation and reinforcement of staff creativity, through training and motivation for the generation of new ideas that contribute to the development of new R&D&I projects.
- The promotion of work through multidisciplinary teams that favour both the development of the staff and of the projects themselves and their results.
- Strict compliance with the applicable rules and regulations, as well as with the specifications established in the UNE 166002 standard.
CIFPA guarantees that all actions and services provided are based on equal treatment and opportunities for all people in the organization, on ethical and democratic values, on the promotion of participation and communication, on creativity and personal responsibility, on collective participation and communication, on respect for the social and natural environment, as well as on a critical sense, tolerance and appreciation of diversity.
This policy is available to all stakeholders on the Center's website.
Zaragoza, October 31, 2024