10 Sep Promotion of the CRN's multi-year action plan in the area of Logistics and Transport
The Governing Council approves the collaboration agreement between the Autonomous Community, the Public State Employment Service and the Ministry of Education
The Government of Aragon has cleared the way for the signing of a collaboration agreement between the Department of Education, Culture and Sport, the State Employment Public Service (SEPE) and the Ministry of Education approving the multi-year Action Plan 2019-2022 of the National Reference Centre in the professional area of Commercial Logistics and Transport Management, the professional family Commerce and Marketing, in the field of Vocational Training.
The aforementioned National Reference Centre has to develop, among others, the functions related to the coordination, programming and execution of the innovation, training and technological actions of said centre and the work plans to be agreed with the State Employment Public Service and the Ministry of Education in the Commercial Logistics and Transport Sector. It is also responsible for evaluating and reporting on the training actions corresponding to these work plans.
All these functions, as established by Royal Decree 229/2008, of 15 February, are set out in a multiannual State Action Plan. This document establishes, in addition to the criteria of budgetary distribution for its execution, the priority objectives, procedures and mechanisms for coordination and monitoring, as well as the procedures and quality indicators that make it possible to evaluate the fulfilment of the aims and objectives of the centre.
The agreement, for the signing of which the Governing Council gave the go-ahead today, includes the priority objectives for the period in question, as well as an annual work plan specifying the actions to be carried out and the financial contribution from the General State Administration.
Some of the aspects included are, for example, the creation of a web portal of the National Reference Centre that allows society to know the nature, functions and activities it carries out as well as promoting the permanent updating of the Catalogue of Training Specialities of the State Employment Public Service not only in the offer of training certificates of professionalism but also through the development of course programmes and new training itineraries, which favour high employability, making vocational training flexible for employment and linked to the requirements of the productive system in the professional family of reference.
Another of the Plan's objectives is to draw up learning and evaluation guides, collaborate with SEPE's Employment Observatory, draw up sectoral maps, collaborate with the State Foundation for Training in Employment and sectoral parity structures, foster collaboration between the different national reference centres, participate in updating the instruments and actions of the National System of Qualifications and Vocational Training, collaborate in the procedure of evaluation and accreditation of professional competences, develop support, orientation and information actions for entrepreneurship and self-employment in the professional family of reference; and develop innovative projects based on ICTs to promote insertion in training and employment processes aimed at sectors with disabilities, at risk of social exclusion and professions with low representation of women, among many other tasks.
The agreement has no economic content and does not generate obligations or economic considerations between the parties that sign them since each of them will assume the costs that must be carried out with charge to their respective budgets.
Learning factory - Polymer forming workshop
Driving simulator room
Logistics factory - FESTO Prolog
Logistics warehouses
LEAN Warehouse
Source: Aragón_Hoy
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