14 Dec DIGinLOGS (KA220) project approved
Approval of the KA220 project, DIGinLOGS, of the Logistics and Transport CRN
The DIGinLOGS project, Co-design and implementation of digitisation itinerary in logistics, has been approved within the KA220-VET programme aimed at International Cooperation Partnerships in the field of Vocational Education and Training.
The DIGinLOGS project aims to carry out an analysis of the digital skills needs of the European logistics sector from an international perspective and to offer VET teachers, trainers and employees a online training focused on the digitisation of the sector.
The ultimate goal of this project is for students to acquire digital competences in the field of internal logistics, and to this end it is proposed to design and deliver a specific digital itinerary on logistics aimed at teachers in this field.
At the end of this European project it is intended to have:
- An International Observatory sustainable over time in the logistics sector.
- A digital training itinerary in the field of internal logistics materialised in an innovative training action in online format.
This project, led by the CRN for Commercial Logistics and Transport Management and which will run from January 2022 to January 2024, has the following partners:
- The Association for the development of vocational training in the field of transport (France).
- Action Synergy . E-learning training specialist (Greece).
- The State Automobile and Road Technical University (Russia).
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